My post on expressions of love: Jan 20
Below is Dr. Adizes expression, same essence with his own unique flavor. Let your heart talk now. How?
· Give your time: This is the scarcest resource today. The times are unpredictable and after covid19 uncertainty looms large. The many complaints we have against one another may never get resolved if we wait for the other to come around, forget and move on. If the relationship matters, make time immediately, regularly, and consistently. Closer the relationship, more time and nurture it demands.
Walk the talk or your marriage might end in all walk, and no talk.
· Be Present: I will reiterate the same line: In this age of instant gratification, being present is also ephemeral. Nothing seems to hold our attention for long, nothing has a lasting affect on us. We eat with a book on the side or in front of the television. Very few are able to study in silence, they need some background noise. Our mind and body are hardly ever at the same place at the same time! We are ‘physically present and mentally absent’.
We are doing a grave injustice to ourselves and the other person too! For love to win, eliminate temptations that are obstacles to being present.
Why is being present so important? Because you must be present to enjoy what you are doing. And that includes love. The more love in your life, the better your quality of life. When your mind is not where your body is, you enjoy life-and love-less.
· Feel more, think less: In order to see, it is not enough to look. You need to be present. Your mind has to be where your eyes are. And to be present you must stop thinking…What prevents you from being present is an active mind that constantly wanders from the past to the future through to the present… Until the present is NOT continuous you will keep thinking and miss on the feeling. You cannot solve the problem with what is causing the problem.
· Laugh together: Focus on the topics or interests that are enjoyable to both of you, make you both laugh. More the laughter, lesser the friction and more the ease. You are enjoying and willingly present, naturally.
· And sing a lot: This I have ever tried😊! You cannot sing and have malicious thoughts. Just cannot. When you sing, you love.