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What matters in Life - Communication!

We all are very cognizant of the importance of communication in all walks of life. It is the foundation on which the edifices of trust, respect and love are built.

My blog posts on non-violent communication is an attempt to learn this art of communication! Communicate heartfully with integrity and in a way which takes us one step closer to meeting our needs. I urge the readers to read the post in case they are yet to read them😊.

Dr. Adizes explains it a little differently, when a person trying to communicate activates multiple organs in their body at the same time, they can create a dangerous concoction: the person might explode with anger and fury. Stomach, brain and mouth are responsible for feeling thinking and speaking! Some people think and speak at the same time. They think about what they want to say as they are saying it!

One can only imagine the confusion! Voicing your deliberations whilst unentangling your mixed emotions!

Remember the butterflies in the stomach before an exam or interview, the dryness in the mouth and the constriction in the throat when we encounter something we are not prepared for? This is our body communicating with us. Telling us to listen to the body, take a pause, and process these feelings, think through, and calm oneself before taking any action. That is the importance of PAUSE, the few minutes we give ourselves. This pause helps a reaction become a response and enables effective communication.

Open your mouth only when your brain is done thinking! If you are uncomfortable, upset or emotional – if your stomach is acting up- keep your mouth closed. Before you communicate the idea, you must calm down your stomach. Because you cannot think and feel at the same time.


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