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Weak Immunity and Sleep Deprivation

My initial thought was to start with the many mental health concerns where sleep deprivation plays a pivotal role. But the physical concerns are more noticeable and maybe people will pay heed to physical issues. I will share the mental and emotional concerns too. Something as seemingly harmless as lack of sleep or getting used to sleeping lesser number of hours can bring a tsunami into our very existence. Very stealthily, it affects our whole self, and we find ourselves constantly battling some ailment or the other, be it physical, mental or both.

Consistently sleeping less than required number of hours weakness the immune system. The system’s defenses against viruses are weakened and we are more susceptible to cold, cough and flu. The more often we fall sick the more our immune system takes a beating crying for rest and recuperation. The body keeps asking for sleep and rest, but the mind plays its games. If you are a working person, you convince yourself that you are fine, the antibiotics have done their magic and you don’t have any leaves to spare for a common cold. If you are a youth, sleep is anyway your enemy. Some silly cough, common cold and irritant flu cannot hold you back from living your life and force you to sleep a minute longer than imperative. Sadly, the elderly also does not give much importance to systematic sleep timings, because they are free of engagements and live under the illusion that they can rest anytime they want.

Sleep, lack of sleep or oversleep both are not recommended. Sleeping our due share, seven to nine hours, and sleeping at regular times as much as possible, so that the sleep is rejuvenating, and we wake up recharged.

Research says: While you sleep, your immune system produces protective, infection-fighting substances like antibodies and cytokines. It uses these substances to combat foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. Certain cytokines also help you to sleep, giving your immune system more efficiency to defend your body against illness.

Sleep deprivation prevents your immune system from building up its forces. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body may not be able to fend off invaders, and it may also take you longer to recover from illness. Long-term sleep deprivation also increases your risk for chronic conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and heart disease.

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