Keeping the seeker, and the spirit of enquiry alive in me, I have enrolled into many workshops hoping for means and ways to live a life with self-awareness and equanimity. I have learnt new things, practiced them for some time but slip back to the same patterns. The old self remained powerful and too conditioned. All the new learning is forgotten for lack of assiduity.
The few that stayed with me, and I continue to practice are Heartfulness meditation, NVC (Non-Violent Communication) and James Clear’s suggestions in Atomic Habits. These three tools have helped me immeasurably on my self-realization journey and I practice them with steadfast faith and dedication. This trilogy of Heartfulness, NVC and Atomic Habits help me make every minute of my life joyful, and self-aware. The layers which are no longer serving my final goal are peeled away, and a refined new version of the Self comes to light. These tools help me cope with the challenges, keep my wits about me when all hell breaks loose.
Most of my posts revolve around these three themes, in an attempt to impart some of my learnings and instill the spirit of enquiry into the reader’s mind.
Though I took to meditation like a fish takes to water, NVC and Atomic Habits continue to give me nightmares! Many tips and advice NVC offers’, I still find very difficult to practice. The umpteen attempts and failures have robbed me of my rigor, and I tend to lose heart. Similarly, I find myself stumbling a lot on my habit building journey. The consequences of not practicing outweigh the benefits I have received with my half-hearted practice. And I once again pick myself up and restart.
These posts are more for me than for the reader, as they cement my learnings. And once I put them in writing and share it with you all, the feeling of commitment and loyalty to live by that which I preach is ignited in me.
In Atomic Habits, the three questions James clear asks us to introspect and work upon are: At the beginning of the day: “What am I optimizing for?” During the day: “What's the best small thing I can do right now?” At the end of the day: “Did I do my best?"
To top this up, NVC has this all-pervading self-query, “Is your need being met by saying, doing whatever it is that you are about to say, do. What is alive in you now?”
Conclusively, Heartfulness Meditation offers daily meditation, cleaning and Inner connect to find the answers to the above, every day.
I have written a lot about Heartfulness and will continue😊. NVC prevails in the recent posts, and I will share my learnings from Atomic Habits too in my future posts.