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Tap and be free...EFT


Tapping is a tool following the precepts of traditional acupuncture. Inspired by the Chinese acupuncture, Roger Callahan, a positive psychologist by profession, developed this Tapping technique, but without the use of needles!

This same Tapping technique has now evolved into EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the tapping approach developed by engineer Gary Craig in the 1990s. (

It is a simple process and is backed by scientific studies too, for the sceptic mind.  There are mainly 8 Açu points, if one includes both sides then 10 main points which help with the flow of emotions, thoughts. They give direction to the endless chatter of the mind. I have included the link of the material and the video for better clarity.

In Sahaj Marg or Heartfulness path, we practice a method called cleaning. And cleaning is of the heart with the simple thought of ‘getting rid of or cleaning all the impressions, complexities, and impurities, and replacing the vacuum with the positive affirmation of visualizing that the divine light is entering the heart’. A simple yet highly effective method which subtly works in clearing the mind, and as a byproduct our thoughts have clarity and decision making becomes discriminative.

  EFT too seems to have the same subtle yet miraculous results.

Bessel van der Kolk in his book, The body keeps the score, poignantly elucidates the impact of trauma, stress on our body and the toll it takes on our health and wellbeing.

Trauma interferes with the brain circuits that involve focusing, flexibility, and being able to stay in emotional control. A constant sense of danger and helplessness promotes the continuous secretion of stress hormones, which wreaks havoc with the immune system and the functioning of the body’s organs. Only making it safe for trauma victims to inhabit their bodies, and to tolerate feeling what they feel, and knowing what they know, can lead to lasting healing. This may involve a range of therapeutic interventions (one size never fits all), including various forms of trauma processing, neurofeedback, theater, meditation, play, and yoga.

EFT is one such effective method I propose the readers to try!

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Sharanya Dinesh (She, Her, Hers)

Dublin, Ireland

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