Sleep has been my foremost subject of concern, discussion, research for some-time. It may be because all the four members in my family have poor sleep habits. I can do with less than the prescribed hours, and I attribute it to my meditation. The man of the house catches power naps as and when it is possible any number of times, so his night sleep is effectively only 2hours of good sleep, interlaced with waking, sleeping, working, falling asleep again for the last fifteen years. My son is also a restless sleeper and is actually best when he gets his 7hours at night and an hour’s rejuvenating mid-day siesta. Now that is not possible, so he also has his own share of woes. My daughter has a friend circle which sleeps late and wakes up late. So, she also resists sleeping in time to get her due 8hours. But due to college and other commitments she has to be up and about by a specific hour. So, the sleep lost remains lost forever.
And slowly and stealthily this sleep deprivation reflects in every other facet of our life.
Not getting enough sleep drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at risk. Science has linked poor slumber with a number of health problems, from weight gain to a weakened immune system.
A review of studies in 2010Trusted Source found that sleeping too little at night increases the risk of early death. Noticeable signs of sleep deprivation include:
· excessive sleepiness
· frequent yawning
· irritability
· daytime fatigue
The above are the least of our worries because being sleep deprived has far more serious and grave consequences than irritation or fatigue. I will continue with the risks in my forth coming blogs and exhort the readers to make this one change in their life, starting now! Sleep minimum seven hours every day.