We are more likely to repeat a behaviour if we make it satisfying. James clear gives the example of the success Stephen Luby achieved in Karachi, in making hand washing a satisfying habit. Feelings of pleasure, even minor ones like washing your hands with soap that smells nice and lathers well – are signals that tell the brain: “This feels good. Do this again, next time.” Pleasure teaches your brain that a behaviour is worth remembering and repeating.
Conversely, if an experience is not satisfying, we have little reason to repeat it. What is rewarded is repeated. What is punished is avoided. Positive emotions cultivate habits. Negative emotions destroy them.
The first three laws of behaviour change-make it obvious, make it attractive, and make it easy – increase the odds that a behaviour will be performed this time. The fourth law of behaviour change- make it satisfying-increases the odds that a behaviour will be repeated next time. It completes the habit loop.
Thus, what is vital here is to make the habit satisfying enough, so you feel good, successful after performing the task, even if in a small, tiny way. That feeling of success, satisfaction is the morale boost, a signal that your habit has paid off, and all the work was worth the effort. In the short run, if we make it satisfying, we build a habit and wait for the long term reward, which is a part of our future identity.
Apart for the four rules, James Clear also gives many tips and tricks to help follow up or keep up with the four rules. Keeping the new habit easy, and also keeping the habit within two minutes so that we are perked up enough to perform the chore, especially if it is difficult for us.
When I started my yoga classes, I kept my goal as just one Surya Namaskar for the first fortnight. If I accomplished just one Surya Namaskar, I congratulated myself. It barely took me a minute, yet it felt great. Of its own accord, very unobtrusively my yoga time has now increased to 20 minutes, and I actually enjoy every minute of it. I have not really lost much weight, but that will take its own time, and I will see the results!