As promised, more on Mudras.
The main rules for mudras are:
1. When the tip of the thumb joins the tip of the other fingers, the respective elements is balanced.
2. When the tip of any finger touches the base of the thumb, the strength of the respective elements is reduced.
3. By touching the thumb at the base of the other fingers, the respective elements are increased in the body.
4. Mudras with palms facing upwards will receive energy. Mudras with palms facing downward will keep you grounded.
Before going on to talk about individual mudras, there is one other part I wanted to share. As each finger is related, and represented by one of the five elements, like wise they are also linked to the first five Chakras in our body, namely:
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Earth Element
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) - Water Element
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Fire Element
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Air Element
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) - Ether (Space) Element
To balance the chakra, we balance the element which governs that chakra and take the help of the requisite mudra. If Muladhara Chakra, which is governed by the Earth element, is needing attention then we can practice Prithvi Mudra. Prithvi is a mudra performed in yoga and chakra meditation to awaken the earth element and restore balance to the Root Chakra. This grounding Root Chakra Mudra promotes stability and inner strength. Prithvi Mudra is also used in Ayurveda to purge toxins from the body and treat digestive disorders.
With your hands pointed up to the sky, allow the tips of your ring finger (Earth) and thumb (Fire) to meet in the middle of your palm.
Note: So as to keep the authenticity of the content I am copy pasting the link below. This article was published in our meditation group magazine, very lucidly written by our Master himself. It is a very short read and has a wealth of information.
If anyone is keen to know about any particular Mudra and its benefits, please feel free to drop me a line @