Reader’s Digest used to have a section called, Laughter, the best medicine. Every month we used to look forward to the fresh doze of madness which would cheer us, breath in a little optimism and lightheartedness.
Search for happiness is universal! The founder of Laughter Therapy Dr. Madan Kataria teaches us how to laugh for no reason at all, an easy way to inch closer to happiness and with fun! Once again, my thank you and gratitude to Saurabh Bothra because he piqued my interest enough to make me look into this more seriously.
Dr. Madan Kataria gives us a Natural path to happiness, and maybe lasting happiness if we persist. If we can laugh away all that is not meant to be, all that we allow to drag us down then challenges don’t seem unsurmountable. Laughter can help keep the spirits buoyant, and help the mind be in a state of childlike curiosity, eager for challenges and raring to go. This natural enthusiasm is what we need every day, to start each day anew! This is where this therapy is like Heartfulness cleaning technique. In five to seven minutes, we can feel cleansed, light and the fog lifts from our minds. All this comes at no cost, and without any help from any outside source.
Laughter yoga has 4 steps, scientifically designed by Dr. Madan Kataria himself. It involves stretching yoga exercises, pranayama, clapping, and all these are interlaced with laughter. I am including the website which has a wealth of information on research done globally on how laughing heals. This simple yet powerful tool has helped people with cancer, a physical ailment and has equally helped with self-esteem issues, a mental concern!
A lovely holistic approach helping us heal from within with joy! I will sincerely request the readers to give this a go!