Here is another narrative which tells us to have implicit faith and trust in our Guru.
My spiritual master encourages all new seekers to ask questions. Don’t succumb to blind faith, let faith come to you because of your own experiences, is his oft repeated suggestion. Sahaj Marg is not a practice which you need to believe in because your family is practicing, or your best friend recommends it. Stay on the path for 90days, practice with due diligence, ask as many questions as you want and draw your own conclusions. It is not necessary that this path is meant for you, and maybe your search takes you to the doorstep of some other Guru, and that is perfectly acceptable.
The word of caution is that once you have concluded that this is indeed the path, then there is no room for doubt! After accepting the guru, questions cease. With absolute faith and trust, tie your self with iron chains to your guru’s feet and forget all else. The disciple is now cognizant of the fact that what the guru says has a far-reaching meaning, and there is no room to question or doubt the guru’s words. The student’s job is to obey and execute.
“The moment you make surrender to your Master, you have established a free access to him. You can say that one part of your body is making surrender to another part. Let us say my feet are not yet illumined, but my heart is illumined. Now, if my feet are wise enough they will say, “The heart is illumined. Let us surrender to the heart and become one with the heart.” In the spiritual life, surrender means conscious oneness.
…If you surrender to an ordinary human being, he lords it over you in his own way. But for the spiritual Master it is a different matter. He knows that he is not receiving your surrender. Somebody else, the Inner Pilot, is receiving your surrender, and the spiritual Master is at the mercy, at the command of the Inner Pilot, who is the real Master.”